Monday, December 24, 2007

Baby Jesus and Poop

The "terrible twos" do bring with it some of the most challenging aspects of parenting. Especially when you have dual toddler action because of twins.

But being the parents of double-trouble also brings with it some of the most fun things done and said by little tots. My wife and I got a funny taste of that this Holiday Season, especially during our visit to our church's annual living nativity scene.

We decided it would be nice to spend some family time checking out a live nativity, fresh with donkeys, chickens, ponys, a camel and some other wild beasts. Of course, Mary and Joseph were there along with Baby Jesus. The girls eyes were all wide-eyed, taking in everything, from a distance mind you. Just like Santa, things were cool as long as the chickens, rabbits and reigndeer keep their safe distance. Any thought of trying to get either one of them to pet the soft bunny was just a stupid idea on our part. No way.

After taking in baby Jesus and trying to convince the girls that the plastic doll was as real as Mary and Joseph, we headed over to the donkey and pony ride area. Maybe we could get them to sit on one for a neat memory making photo for the scrapbooks. Lord knows we need a few more...

No such luck Charlie.

The girls would have nothing to do with riding one those scary creatures and looked at me like I was the jack-ass. But the fun was in what followed.

We all know when horses, pony's or donkey's walk the "bowel factory" gets a crankin.

And leave it to our little Sidney, who thought it would be nice to point out the poop to everyone else around. As if we all didn't see or smell it.

"Yes, that's poop," I said in agreement. "We all poop."

On the way home, our other tot, Chloe, reminded us all of what we had witnessed.

"Baby Jesus and poop," she said.

"Yep, Baby Jesus and Poop."

Thus began a new family tradition.

Twice the price, but twice the fun.

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