Saturday, September 1, 2007

I am THE dad in this story....

Let me introduce myself. I am the father of identical twin girls - 2 years old. My amazing wife is Julie. She takes care of the family while I busy myself selling health insurance. (Yea. I am an insurance salesman. Your favorite.) We live in Toddlerville aka Mansfield. This monthly column is about one simple thing - being the father on the parenting side of raising twins!

Maybe a lot of dads won't read this - most are probably trying to hide from mom and the kids while catching a little of the "biggest game of the year"- and just don't have time to read some boring "parenting column" about what its like to parent multiples. Blah, blah, blah. I know. I did that myself today. (Thank GOD football is back, right ladies?)

But the bottom line is, when it comes to raising more than one at a time, the dads are the biggest challenge! The same-day sibs are only part the problem - dads make up the other all by themselves. We double the doublemint gum and we know it. And, in some ways, we are proud of it. Someone has to make the claim. So why not dad?

Who else is going to to teach the twins that making fart noises with their mouths is fun?
Who else is going to teach them how to tag team and scare the living heck of someone and jump out from behind the wall?
Who else is going to teach them how to leave every shoe they own in the living room for mom to trip on?
Who else is going to teach them that if we all feed the dogs we can save money on dog food?

Who else will educate them about the nutritious value of more than one cookie a day?
Who else is going to show them that we really only need to bathe when mom is around to smell us?

Who else is going to get all of the glory when mom admittedly tells a stranger that "their dad taught them that?"

Who else, but dad?

Two or more - ahh the joys. More soon!

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